On 20 December 2023, the municipality of Onești organized the Closing Conference for the Project ’’Elaboration of the Mitigation and Adaptation Plan to Climate Change in Onești Municipality’’, funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 through the “Environment, Climate Change Adaptation and Ecosystems” Programme (RO-Environment), for which the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests is the Programme Operator.
The total value of the project is 584.832,00 lei, of which the non-refundable eligible value from EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 is 496.095,70 lei, the non-refundable eligible amount from the national budget is 87.546,30 lei and a non-eligible amount of 1.190 lei. The implementation period of the project was November 24, 2022 – December 31st, 2023.
The general objective is consistent with the objective of the RO-Environment Programme, namely to improve the state of the environment in ecosystems and to reduce the adverse effects of pollution and other human activities in the Onești municipality.
The main activities carried out are the following:
- Developing a Strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change in the Municipality of Onești, which also contains plans for related measures.
- Analysis and identifying areas at high risk of climate change and mitigation measures of these risks, including green-blue urban planning measures.
- Identifying areas with low rainwater drainage capacity.
- Analysis of the solutions and the methodology for the construction of the necessary infrastructure for the passage of overhead cables underground.
- Establishing a mechanism for monitoring and controlling the activities proposed within the strategy.
- Assigning a team responsible for project monitoring and implementation.
- Establishing physically and temporally appropriate objectives, to start the proposed actions.
The results of the project led to the development of a Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan for the Onești municipality.
Among the participants to the Closing Conference for the Project ’’Elaboration of the Mitigation and Adaptation Plan to Climate Change in Onești Municipality’’ were representatives of the Onești municipality, namely Mrs. Irina Elena Anghel, the project manager and the implementation team of the project.
The event took place in the conference room of the Onești Local Council (Oituz Blvd. no. 17, Onești municipality, Bacău county).
Contact person: Irina-Elena Anghel, project manager, telephone number: 0730525562,
e-mail: irina.anghel@onesti.ro