PRESS RELEASE Regarding the Launch of the Project “Closing the temporary municipal waste storage site Fălticeni, Suceava county, through the implementation of an innovative technology” IDTDMF


The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests is the Programme Operator for the “Environment, Climate Change Adaptation and Ecosystems” Programme (RO-Environment), ’’Measures to reduce contamination with hazardous substances in temporary municipal waste storage spaces’’ that is funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2014 – 2021.

The municipality of Fălticeni signed on November 24, 2022, the financing contract no. 25249/ BT /24.11.2022 for the implementation of the Project “Closing the temporary municipal waste storage site Fălticeni, Suceava county, through the implementation of an innovative technology” IDTDMF, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) within the “Environment, Climate Change Adaptation and Ecosystems” Programme (RO-Environment).

The total value of the Project is 9,573,894.25 RON, of which the eligible value is 9,325,011.30 RON (of which 7,926,259.61 RON non-refundable eligible value from the EEA FM and 1,398,751.69 RON value non-refundable eligible from the national budget), and 248,882.95 RON non-eligible value, and the implementation period is November 24, 2022 – 04/30/2024.

The general objective of the project consists in solving a major environmental problem of Fălticeni Municipality, the generator of massive pollution (olfactory and of the soil), by closing the temporary Fălticeni municipal waste storage site, Suceava county.

The direct results of the project are: 1 closed temporary waste storage site in Falticeni Municipality, 2 information campaigns carried out, 1 website created, 1 best practices guide created, 1 information panel placed, 1 permanent plaque placed.

The indirect results of the project refer to the awareness of the direct beneficiaries (the population of Fălticeni municipality) and the indirect ones (members of the peri-urban communities of Fălticeni municipality) refer to the need to reduce the amount of stored waste, the reduction of pollutant emissions and olfactory pollution in the area).

The direct beneficiaries are the inhabitants of Falticeni Municipality, and the indirect ones are the inhabitants of the peri-urban communes of Falticeni Municipality.


Contact person: COMAN GHEORGHE CĂTĂLIN – Mayor

Telepfone number +40 230 542 056

Fălticeni municipality, Republicii Street, no. 13, Suceava county, România



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