
PRESS RELEASE – Closing conference of the RO04 Programme “Reduction of hazardous substances” financed through EEA grants 2009 – 2014

The Environment Ministry, as Programme Operator for the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, organized on Friday, October 06, 2017 a closing conference of the RO04 Programme “Reduction of hazardous substances”.

The conference presented the program objectives, the results achieved by the projects implemented and the degree of achievement of the indicators set out in the Programme Agreement. The program implemented 10 projects, with a total contracted budget of 10.675.181 Euro.

At the same time, the laboratories for the analysis of hazardous substances developed by the National Administration “Romanian Waters” were visited by the project “Toward an Adequate Aquatic Environment (TPAE)”, respectively the Institute of Biology Bucharest of the Romanian Academy through the project “long-term monitoring system for the bioaccumulation of airborne heavy metals (BIOMORO)”.

The objectives of the RO04 Programme “Reducing hazardous substances”, which were achieved through the results achieved, aimed at improving decision-making in the field of hazardous chemicals and waste and increasing knowledge and experience on legislation on hazardous substances and waste.

Thus, through its results the RO04 Programme provides the technical resource (experts) for the evaluation and monitoring of hazardous substances in the environment as well as tools for the identification/follow-up of SVHC, such as registries, databases, information exchange systems, procedures, guidelines, exposure scenarios for the environment and human health, methodologies for estimating the risk associated with substances hazardous to health and the environment, studies developed for a number of public institutions.

Representatives of Norway, as Donor State, the Norwegian Environment Agency, project promoters and representatives of Norwegian partners involved in the projects carried out under the Programme participated at the closure event.  Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds were also present as the National Contact Point for EEA grants, the Central Harmonization Unit for Internal Public Audit (UCAPI – Ministry of Finance), The Certification and Payment Authority.

The RO04 Programme – Reduction of hazardous substances supports the implementation of the objectives of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 by preventing the negative effects of chemicals and hazardous waste on the environment. The objective, results and indicators of the Programme reflect the aims and priorities of the strategies and action plans recently adopted at European and national level.



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